5 Elements of a Breakthrough Brand Name

Patagonia. Uber. Apple.

While some brands have stories of an “aha!” moment behind their names—Blue Ribbon Sports famously rebranded as Nike the day before their first shipment—there are a lot of factors to consider when choosing a name for your business.

Here are five criteria we use when working with brands.

1. Distinctive

Is the name unique and ownable? Could it easily be confused with another brand?

2. Authentic

Does it reflect who you are and what you stand for? For example, Google’s name is a play on the word “googol,” a mathematical term that reflects their mission to be a source of infinite information on the internet.

3. Memorable

What impression does it make? Is it easy to say, spell and search for? Don’t forget to consider how the name might appear in domain names or if mispronounced. For example, the restaurant Sam and Ella’s Chicken Palace looks great on paper, but say it out loud and you get “salmonella chicken.”

4. Enduring

Will it stand the test of time as your business evolves? Best Buy started out as Sound of Music before expanding beyond stereo equipment. If you’re going for specificity, ask yourself whether it will serve you in the future.

5. Defensible

Do you have a legal claim to the name in all markets in which you do business? This isn’t simply a matter of a name being up for grabs. When it comes to health care brands, some states also have restrictions on superlatives like “best” and terms that are associated with professional licenses. Always work with a legal professional to avoid red tape and headaches down the line.


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